Newsletter: Aid stakeholder survey open | Devpolicy at SOTP | ACFID history

2015 Australia and New Zealand aid stakeholder survey open

A lot has changed since we conducted our first Australian aid stakeholder survey in 2013, making it more important than ever before to have an independent feedback mechanism to chronicle the impact of these changes on the effectiveness of Australia’s aid by those who know the aid program best.

This year, we are running the second Australian aid stakeholder survey, and the first for New Zealand aid.

We explain here why we are running this unique exercise. Essentially, it’s the best way we know to really understand what is happening to the aid program and aid effectiveness. If you’ve forgotten the types of insights we gained from the first survey in 2013, the findings are here.

We had 356 participants in our 2013 survey. It’d be great to get at least that many this time round. So if you are engaged with the Australian or NZ aid program – whether as a recipient, partner, implementer, analyst or advocate – and whether you work for the government, the private sector, an NGO or academia or are simply interested in aid, we want to hear from you.

This is our feedback mechanism, our attempt to give the sector voice.

It only takes around 15-20 minutes to complete, and it is completely confidential.

Complete the survey here.

Devpolicy at State of the Pacific 2015

Our ANU colleagues at the State Society and Governance in Melanesia program are again hosting the State of the Pacific Conference here in Canberra on 7-9 September. For those who couldn’t make it to Moresby to the PNG Update earlier this year, we will be presenting the overview paper of the PNG economy presented there and jointly authored by Devpolicy and UPNG Economics colleagues. And we will also be convening a panel from this year’s Pacific Update in Suva on the economics of non-communicable health challenges in the Pacific islands. There’s also plenty of other great panels, covering topics such as PNG’s 40th anniversary, gender, the environment, and regionalism.

You can register and access the SOTP program here.

A history of ACFID

As ACFID celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, join Devpolicy Associate and ANU colleague Patrick Kilby for the launch of his book NGOs and Political Change- A history of the Australian Council for International Development. The launch will be held on Tuesday 22 September, 5.30pm to 7pm at the Drawing Room at University House (to RSVP, contact

Copies of the book will be available on the night, but digital versions are already available for download through ANU Press.

Registrations open for 2016 Australasian Aid Conference

Registrations for the 2016 Australasian Aid Conference, to be held on 10-11 February, are now open. The conference has been a sell-out in previous years, and early bird pricing will only be available until 10 November. Our call for papers is still open until 15 October, with more details available here.


2015 State of the Pacific Conference
Hosted by ANU SSGM. 7-9 September. Details here.

2016 Australasian Aid Conference
10-11 February 2016. Call for papers and registrations now open. Details here.

Blog highlights

The Australian aid fraud beat up

What are the lessons of PNG’s last big drought?

The UK’s 0.7 aid campaign: getting the message right

Fact-checking Miranda Devine on aid and abortion

On the blog

The 2015 ANZ aid stakeholder survey: we want to hear from you by Stephen Howes, Terence Wood and Camilla Burkot

UN population projections: implications for international development by Ian Anderson

The Australian aid fraud beat-up by Richard Moore

Food risks in PNG: lessons from 1997 by Bryant Allen

Legitimate self-interest and the campaign for aid: an interview with Joel Edwards by Joel Edwards and Camilla Burkot

Aid, abortion and fairy talesby Terence Wood

Two dogmas of development financing: aid to the transition countriesby Robin Davies

The Sustainable Development Goals: goals for the Pacific?By Matthew Dornan

Humanitarian aid in 2015: great challenges but greater opportunities by Rebecca Barber

Greening the brick industry in Bangladesh: opportunities for south-south cooperation by Ritu Bharadwaj and Somnath Bhattacharjee

Civil society and development: moving from de Tocqueville to Gramsciby Grant Walton

In brief

Fortnightly links: awful aid reporting, development looking backwards and forwards, and more…

This is the fortnightly newsletter of the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, published every second Friday.


Development Policy Centre

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